What is JumpFM


JumpFM File Manager is an HTML interface to manage your website, and it is used as an alternative to an FTP client as it provides similar functionality to an FTP client: uploading, creating, deleting, organizing files in folders, changing permissions.

A file manager can grant more straightforward access to information by structuring it according to each user preferences.

Files and files can be displayed in a hierarchical tree based on their directory structure.

JumpFM can be described as a multifunctional software, as a minimalist file manager for Linux, a Qt cross-platform file manager, Exa, and a terminal.

JumpFM has a number of features that you can enable/disable and configure to suit your own needs.

JumpFM is a keyboard application. To get the best experience, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with keyboard shortcuts.

Most are obvious: you can turn off hidden files by pressing “h,” switch between panels using “tab” and navigate to and from folders using the arrow keys on the keyboard, backspace and “enter.”


j Open the Jump dialog

Down / [page down / ctrl + [Down]

pageĀ up /] Up

change + up and select

page up page above

shift + page up select the page

Home go to start

End to end

enter enter folder / file open

backspace directory tree

ctrl + home go to your home directory

ctrl + right open the directory in the right pane

ctrl + left open the folder in the left pane

other + left to access the previous directory

other + access the next directory


space Switch selection

ctrl + a Select all

Esc Clear selection

File operations:

Delete Delete selected files

F4 Edit the file

Shift + F4 New file

F7 New folder

F2 Renames the file

zip the selected files

in Unzip the current file

P Copy the full path of the active panel

p Copy the full path of the current file to the clipboard

F5 Copy the selected files

F6 Move the selected files


Tab Switch tab

s Change the panels


f Enter the filtering mode

In addition: Use the file extension selected as a filter

h Switch to hidden mode

r Switch flat mode


ctrl + g Create a public file from the selected files

ctrl + = Increase font size

ctrl + – Decreases font size

ctrl + 0 Reset font size

In addition:

Jumping (“j”) allows you to jump quickly into your favorite folders without having to click on the folder you are in. Directories do not need to be marked as favorites.

Filtering (“f”) is a simple search feature that helps you find any files you are looking for by typing a part of the file name.

The flat mode (“r”) switches the view based on the standard hierarchical directory and a flatbed view without folders, which displays all the files inside the directory and its sub directories.

Instant Snapshot (ctrl + g) allows you to quickly create a new list from a selected file manager file.

The file manager can be expanded by installing additional plugins. These plug-ins range from displaying current weather and current weather conditions in the JumpFM status bar to adding integrated file management features such as archive unzipping.

Several minor issues:

By default, JumpFM will list only the first 100 files and/or folders in a directory. You can raise the file limit in the settings file, although this could have an impact on performance, I would recommend you not set it to a ridiculously large number.

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