What is a hyperlink


A hyperlink or shorter link is a reference, link, navigation element in an electronic document to other parts of the same document, other documents or sections of other documents to which a user is sent when accessing the navigation element.

More technically expressed, a hyperlink is a reference in hypertext, which makes it possible to perform a leap to another electronic document or to another position of that document.
Link is a very important HTML tag because it allows the user to navigate from one page to another. Usually, the link is underlined and when the cursor is over it changes its shape.

The link is defined with the <a> and </a> tags and has the attributes:
1. href – destination file address
2. target – in which window the destination file will open
3. title – a small description associated with the link displayed when the mouse is above the link

The address of the destination file (href) can be expressed as follows:
1. filename – if it is in the same folder as the current page
2. relative address – if it is on the same server or disk, indicating the path
3. Add URL – is the full address of the page

The href attribute (Hypertext Reference) names the link to another web page. In fact, it’s the place where the user will be taken to click on that link.

Links can be of three types:

1. internal – to specific places on the page (anchors)
2. local – to other pages but to the same domain
3. globals – to other domains outside the site

Internal – href = “# anchorname”
Local – href = “../ img / photo.jpg”
Global – href = “http://www.example.com/”

Link to Internet pages:
As a graphical representation, a link is a text (usually underlined and/or shown in a different color) that can be identified on a webpage and can be clicked to access the page or document to which it points. A link can point both to an outer page and to the same page to a particular subsection of the page. When the user clicks on a link, the browser accesses that page from the specified address (in the case of the example above, the browser will reload the current page because it points to this page).

The link is a necessary thing in the vastness of information (websites) that are published on the Internet. A place where the “hyperlink” is missing is the classic library.
The advantage of an internet hyperlink is easy to identify, namely the speed at which information is accessed (this is where the net goes well) and the freedom to navigate quickly through many types of information (without bothering libraries every time for a definition or passage).

What is a nofollow link?
Nofollow links are just references to a page/domain through which readers can access it, but from the SEO point of view they are of no value. In fact, a nofollow link tells the Google search engine “the link should not influence the site’s ranking in the search rankings.” Conclusion? Nofollow links do not affect Google.

What is a dofollow link?
Dofollow links influence your PageRank and position on Google as opposed to nofollow links. Dofollow links are taken into account by crawling (robots, spiders) Google and after all that matters: it’s taken into account.

When someone comments on a page that has dofollow links, that comment that contains data about you and your web address is considered a valid backlink. So theoretically, a dofollow site brings more visitors than a nofollow one. Why? Because everybody wants to have as many backlinks as possible, and so he leaves comments. So, webmasters looking for backlinks are looking to comment as much as they do (many people use robots), so many of you get in the inbox the “moderate comment” message that was added to the “spam” category. After all, that’s it.

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