
Cocoa / KidSim


Cocoa (initially called KidSim) is a rules-based LPV, in which the programmer specifies rules for demonstrating a postcondition starting from a precondition. The “programmers” targeted are children, and the associated field is the specification of graphics simulations and games. Cocoa is a complete Turing language, except that its facilities were not designed for general-purpose...

Forms 3 and Prograph – visual programming based on spreadsheets


Forms / 3 – Forms / 3 is an example of LPV based on the spreadsheet paradigm, implemented by Margaret Burnett in 1991, as a prototype of her dissertation work. In this case, the programmer realizes his program by creating a form and specifying its content. This paradigm is commonly used in commercial spreadsheets, where the form is in the form of a marked grid, and the content is specified...

Android operating system


Android is a software platform and operating system for digital devices and mobile phones, initially developed by Google, and later by the Open Handset Alliance business consortium. Android allows developers to write managed code in Java, controlling the device through Google’s Java libraries. Applications are written in C and other languages ​and can be compiled into ARM machine code and...

What is AppInventor


Google App Inventor is a visual programming language initiated by Google and taken over by MIT in 2012. It is designed for ordinary users without special programming knowledge and allows the creation of applications for the Android operating system. In order to interact with the user in the simplest way, the program has been visually designed: to create an application, and the user visually draws...

Different JavaScript methods to create a website


Now that we’ve gone through some examples of JavaScript let’s add a few features to our site, for example, to see what’s possible. In this section, we will add an additional image to our site using some features of the DOM API, using JavaScript to switch between the two when the image is clicked. 1. First, find another image that you want to add to your site. Make sure it is the...

The basic features of JavaScript


Let us explain some of the basic features of JavaScript to give you a better understanding of how it all works. It is worth mentioning that these features are common to all programming languages, so if you master these fundamentals, you will be on the way to programming almost anything! 1. Variables Variables are containers in which you can store values. Start by declaring a variable using the...

How to create a website quickly using JavaScript


JavaScript itself is quite compact but still very flexible. Developers have written a wide variety of tools based on JavaScript, unlocking a large amount of additional functionality with minimal effort. These include: – Programming interfaces for browser applications (APIs) – APIs built into web browsers, offering features such as dynamic HTML creation and CSS style setting...

How does the Internet work


The article gives a simplified picture of what happens when you see a web page in a web browser on your computer or smartphone. This theory is not essential for writing the web code in the short term, but in the long run, you will start to benefit from understanding what is happening in the background. Web-connected computers are called clients and servers. – Customers are the typical...

Positioning and stylization of our webpage title


h1 {   margin: 0;   padding: 20px 0;   color: # 00539F;   text-shadow: 3px 3px 1px black; } You’ve probably noticed that there is a space at the top of the element. This is because browsers apply a certain default style to the <h1> element (among others), even if you haven’t applied CSS at all! This might seem like a bad idea, but we even want an unused web-page to have basic...

Fonts and text in styles.css file


Now that we’ve explored some CSS basics let’s start adding more rules and information to our style.css file to make our example look better. Let’s start by making the text look better. First, find the font from Google Fonts that you saved to a safe place. Adds the <link> element somewhere inside the head element in the index.html file (again, anywhere between the...

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