ArchiveMarch 2019

GNU Emacs


Emacs is a class of text editors that work on a wide variety of platforms characterized by adjustability. The editing commands in Emacs can be defined by the installed packages or can be set by the user. The user can also combine commands into macros to automate repeated controls. Emacs development began in 1975, and it is continuously developed today also. Emacs are very popular with...

How to solve Nginx 403 Forbidden


An issue that plagues both regular users and webmasters is when they encounter issues with access to individual webpages or even to entire websites on the internet. Instead of the requested page with the text and media files, you get an Nginx 403 Forbidden error, an issue we will try to provide a solution now, both for regular users but also for website administrators. What does Nginx 403...

What is Python


Python is a dynamic, sophisticated programming language that emphasizes the expressiveness and easy understanding of the code. The syntax allows for equivalent implementations with other languages ​​in fewer lines of code. Due to this fact, Python is very commonly used in both application programming and scripting. Python is a dynamic multi-paradigm programming language created in 1991 by Dutch...

What is jQuery


jQuery is probably the most known and used JavaScript library used to simplify the client-side scripting code. It is an open source library created by John Resing. It has the advantage of being compatible with most browsers; simplifying programmers work from ensuring code compatibility with multiple browsers. This library is small (under 100Kb) which makes it easy to use in projects but also easy...

What is error code 500?


When you access a website, and it displays Error Code 500, it means that it shows an HTTP status code for a problem with either your website or server and it can’t show you a more particular status report. The error can be shown in a few different ways: Internal Server Error 500 Error HTTP Error 500 HTTP 500 Internal Server Error HTTP status codes are standard response codes provided by web...

What is the Document Object Model


DOM, Document Object Model, Document Object Model, for short DOM, is a logical and standard document structure, a list through which we can see, search and edit elements and data from HTML and XML docs. Itself a hierarchy of objects, the DOM structure is compatible with JavaScript or other object-based languages. With DOM HTML, JavaScript can access and modify all elements of an HTML document...

How to install HAProxy


HAProxy is an open source proxy that can be used to increase availability and server as load balancing for a wide variety of web apps. It has been especially designed for projects that require high availability, so it is swift and predictable, HAProxy is based on a single process model. HAProxy works by balancing user requests between two web servers; Server1 and Server2, if either of them...

What is Ruby on Rails


A generic, reflexive and dynamic programming language, Ruby is object-oriented and was created in 1995 in Japan. Ruby tends to be a balanced language because it was created from parts of Perl, Smalltalk, Eiffel, Ada, and Lisp, to create a new programming language that bets on the balance between functional and powerful programming. Ruby can be seen as a mirror to life, simple in appearance but...

What is CentOS


CentOS is a Linux distribution based on RHEL OS but created using software released under the free GNU license of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Community Enterprise Enterprise System (CentOS) was created to offer the world a free enterprise distribution that wants to keep a 100% code compatibility with the original binary code. Each new version of CentOS that is released is then maintained for seven...

What is Anaconda


Anaconda is an open-source variant of the Python programming language designed for large-scale data processing, predictive analysis, scientific computers, and aims to simplify managing and implementing packages. Anaconda is used typically for programming in Python and among the packages often used in this distribution, we can specify NumPy, Spyder, Numba. Anaconda can run on various OS such as...

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